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MIPRC Commissioners meet with Members of Congress to stress importance of federal commitment to passenger rail development

On June 15, MIPRC commissioners met with more than 40 Midwestern members of Congress and their staff to stress the importance of continuing to build a strong federal/state partnership for passenger rail development.


Commissioners emphasized the strong increases in passenger rail ridership on corridor service in the region, and highlighted the economic, energy and environmental benefits of the region's plans to build a network of faster, more frequent passenger rail. They called on the U.S. Congress to include appropriations in the FY 2012 budget for the federal High Speed Intercity Passenger Rail program. They also requested that Congress make passenger rail development a vital component of the upcoming reauthorization of the federal surface transportation bill and that passenger rail receive a dedicated source of funding similar to other modes of transportation.

Commissioners presented a letter detailing the commission’s recommendations.

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Secretariat services provided by The Council Of State Governments' Midwestern Office.