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MIPRC receives an inaugural federal grant to expand its work
MIPRC receives an inaugural federal grant to expand its work

MIPRC receives an inaugural federal grant to expand its work

The Midwest Interstate Passenger Rail Commission (MIPRC) has been awarded a two-year, up to $300,000 Interstate Rail Compacts (IRC) grant in the inaugural round of funding for the new program, the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) announced on March 14.

MIPRC nominates two to new national passenger rail panel
MIPRC nominates two to new national passenger rail panel

MIPRC nominates two to new national passenger rail panel

The Midwest Interstate Passenger Rail Commission (MIPRC) has submitted two nominees to the Surface Transportation Board’s (STB) new Passenger Rail Advisory Committee (PRAC), which will advise the agency on passenger rail service issues.

MIPRC 2023 Annual Meeting covers plenty of ground between Chicago, Normal
MIPRC 2023 Annual Meeting covers plenty of ground between Chicago, Normal

MIPRC 2023 Annual Meeting covers plenty of ground between Chicago, Normal

As the 21st century began, so did Normal, Illinois’ successful plan to make its downtown a vibrant, walkable city center. Key to that vision was the town’s Amtrak station, now served daily by five state-supported Lincoln Service trains connecting to Chicago and St. Louis, and the long-distance Texas Eagle, connecting to Dallas and San Antonio. The opportunity to see how regular, reliable train service can boost economic growth made Normal – which boasts the second-highest ridership of any station in Illinois after Chicago and is home to both Illinois State University and Rivian’s manufacturing plant – a natural host city for MIPRC’s 2023 Annual Meeting.

MIPRC & member state DOTs file comments on FRA's long-distance service study
MIPRC & member state DOTs file comments on FRA's long-distance service study

MIPRC & member state DOTs file comments on FRA's long-distance service study

The Congressionally mandated Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) Long-Distance Service Study offers myriad opportunities to strengthen the Midwest’s, as well as the nation’s, passenger rail network, from expanding existing services to restoring routes Amtrak inherited but discontinued, the Midwest Interstate Passenger Rail Commission (MIPRC) said in comments to the Federal Railroad Administration.

MIPRC supports Midwestern submissions to FRA's new Corridor ID & Development Program
MIPRC supports Midwestern submissions to FRA's new Corridor ID & Development Program

MIPRC supports Midwestern submissions to FRA's new Corridor ID & Development Program

MIPRC has filed 10 letters of support for state-supported projects with the Federal Railroad Administration to boost Midwestern states’ own submissions to the inaugural funding round of the new federal Corridor Identification & Development Program.

MIPRC's 2022 Annual Meeting takes deep dive into new federal passenger rail programs
MIPRC's 2022 Annual Meeting takes deep dive into new federal passenger rail programs

MIPRC's 2022 Annual Meeting takes deep dive into new federal passenger rail programs

The Midwest Interstate Passenger Rail Commission’s 2022 Annual Meeting capped a busy 13-month period that began with the release of the Federal Railroad Administration’s long-term Midwest Regional Rail Plan and the passage and enactment of the federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.

MIPRC responds to FRA request for information on new federal Corridor Identification & Development Program
MIPRC responds to FRA request for information on new federal Corridor Identification & Development Program

MIPRC responds to FRA request for information on new federal Corridor Identification & Development Program

MIPRC on March 8, 2022, submitted comments on the new federal Corridor Identification and Development Program created by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. The program creates a new framework to facilitate the development of new, enhanced, and restored intercity passenger rail corridors throughout the country.

What's in the newly-signed IIJA for passenger rail?
What's in the newly-signed IIJA for passenger rail?

What's in the newly-signed IIJA for passenger rail?

President Biden signed the historic Infrastructure Investments and Jobs Act (IIJA) into law on Nov. 15. Now that IIJA is law, what exactly is in it for passenger rail?

FRA, MIPRC release Midwest Regional Rail Plan: A 40-year look ahead at what could be
FRA, MIPRC release Midwest Regional Rail Plan: A 40-year look ahead at what could be

FRA, MIPRC release Midwest Regional Rail Plan: A 40-year look ahead at what could be

A Midwestern passenger rail network centered on Chicago, building on current state-supported services, that connects metropolises from the Twin Cities and Kansas City to Cincinnati, Pittsburgh, and Nashville with multiple daily round trips. That vision, known as the Midwest Regional Rail Plan, was unveiled Oct. 13 at Chicago Union Station by the the Midwest Interstate Passenger Rail Commission and the Federal Railroad Administration.

MIPRC asks Congress to include PRIIA Sec. 209 reform in final federal transportation reauthorization bill
MIPRC asks Congress to include PRIIA Sec. 209 reform in final federal transportation reauthorization bill

MIPRC asks Congress to include PRIIA Sec. 209 reform in final federal transportation reauthorization bill

In a July 23 letter to Midwestern members of Congress, the Midwest Interstate Passenger Rail Commission (MIPRC) endorsed the planned $66 billion allocation to rail in the bipartisan infrastructure framework and reaffirmed its strong support for passenger rail policies in both the House (H.R. 3684) and Senate (S. 2016) reauthorization bills, but asked federal lawmakers to include reforming the 13-year-old law requiring states to pay for Amtrak services on routes that 750 miles or shorter.

MIPRC compares House & Senate surface reauthorization rail titles, notes their silence on PRIIA Sec. 209 reform
MIPRC compares House & Senate surface reauthorization rail titles, notes their silence on PRIIA Sec. 209 reform

MIPRC compares House & Senate surface reauthorization rail titles, notes their silence on PRIIA Sec. 209 reform

As Congress debates and votes on the House’s and Senate’s versions of surface transportation reauthorization, and their inevitable melding in a conference committee, MIPRC has created a side-by-side comparison for reference. The chart shows funding and program authorizations in the INVEST in America Act (H.R. 3684) and the Surface Transportation Reinvestment Act of 2021 (S.2016), and their provisions compared to what MIPRC has asked of Congress in its Surface Transportation Reauthorization principles.

MIPRC's first take on U.S. House's version of transportation reauthorization bill, a.k.a. the INVEST Act
MIPRC's first take on U.S. House's version of transportation reauthorization bill, a.k.a. the INVEST Act

MIPRC's first take on U.S. House's version of transportation reauthorization bill, a.k.a. the INVEST Act

A transformative investment in passenger rail took the first step toward becoming law this week in Congress when the U.S. House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee's transportation re-authorization bill was considered in committee. The INVEST (Investing in a New Vision for the Environment and Surface Transportation) in America Act, introduced on June 4 by Transportation & Infrastructure Committee Chair Peter DeFazio, was marked up by the full Committee on June 9 and passed, by a 38-26  vote, in the early hours of June 10.

MIPRC: Let’s take a comprehensive look at how we want our nation’s passenger rail system to run
MIPRC: Let’s take a comprehensive look at how we want our nation’s passenger rail system to run

MIPRC: Let’s take a comprehensive look at how we want our nation’s passenger rail system to run

As Amtrak proposes to reconfigure the national network, it’s also time to reconfigure the cost-share for these new corridor services. The Midwest Interstate Passenger Rail Commission has been working to preserve and improve our nation’s and region’s passenger rail system for 20 years. Based on our extensive knowledge of and history working with both Amtrak and our state DOTS, MIPRC is offering a proposal for a wide-ranging re-envisioning of Amtrak to ensure the development of the strong, national passenger rail system our country needs.

MIPRC asks Congress to support American Jobs Plan's passenger rail provisions, FAST Act renewal & Amtrak's FY22 grant proposal
MIPRC asks Congress to support American Jobs Plan's passenger rail provisions, FAST Act renewal & Amtrak's FY22 grant proposal

MIPRC asks Congress to support American Jobs Plan's passenger rail provisions, FAST Act renewal & Amtrak's FY22 grant proposal

MIPRC is asking Midwestern members of Congress to support the $80 billion passenger rail investment in the proposed American Jobs Plan and strengthen several aspects of federal passenger rail policy and funding when re-authorizing the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act, which expires in September. In a May 14 letter emailed to members and their transportation legislative aides, MIPRC also stated its support for Amtrak’s proposed $5.4 billion grant request  for federal fiscal year 2022.

MIPRC adds Sec. 209 reform, regional planning funding requests to its FAST Act renewal principles
MIPRC adds Sec. 209 reform, regional planning funding requests to its FAST Act renewal principles

MIPRC adds Sec. 209 reform, regional planning funding requests to its FAST Act renewal principles

The Midwest Interstate Passenger Rail Commission is seeking regional planning funding and a major revision of the federal law that dictates when states must cover the tab for passenger rail in the latest version of its principles and positions for renewing the FAST (Fixing America’s Surface Transportation) Act.

MIPRC lauds American Jobs Plan's proposed $80 billion for passenger rail
MIPRC lauds American Jobs Plan's proposed $80 billion for passenger rail

MIPRC lauds American Jobs Plan's proposed $80 billion for passenger rail

The Midwest Interstate Passenger Rail Commission is asking the Biden administration to give “equal consideration” to states’ passenger rail plans and Amtrak’s as it refines the details of how its proposed $2.7 trillion American Jobs Plan will spend about $80 billion on passenger rail.


Secretariat services provided by The Council Of State Governments' Midwestern Office.